Why do you go to Bali? Well obviously to eat and pray and love. Bali is a surfers paradise, a honeymoon dream, a meditative and yoga mecca, and of course lets talk about LOVE… that love certainly has a stake in the chiseled and bronzed bods of the international elite who venture to Bali’s world renowned Beach Clubs. These clubs host international DJs plus massive parties ( which were not happening during our stay). So this is a bit of a divergence from my standard travelogues and the traditional sites of interest.
There are several dozen through out the 3 isle province of Bali but our location in Kuta/Legion/Seminyak boasts some of the best known. There is a sense this is party central, I mean how can it not be with half of Australia drinking their lagers… but look closely, it is actually so much more than a party.
As I see it, it is a celebration of life and life well lived. The architecture of the various clubs evoke a feeling of freedom and imagination. Our resort quite honestly was more spectacular than any one club, but we could not deny the “OhMyGosh and WoW emotions” we got when we entered these life liberating places. Our favorite definitely was the best known Potato Head Beach Club. Unlike anything we have seen, this is where to see and be seen… I captured some cool day and night pics so as usual, they will follow…

- Shark Tank meets Survivor Blindside Or Opportunity Knocks (You Decide) .. April 11th 2020 - May 14, 2020
- Anchor Baby?.. or Brotherly Wisdom! .. March 6th 2020 - March 11, 2020
- M.A.R. D.E.L. P.L.A.T.A!.. December 26th 2019 - February 26, 2020